This is the best stuff I have ever gotten my hands on! My aunt recommended it to me after I kept getting sick. I take anytime I feel sick and almost immediately feel better! Have recommended to friends since then and they also swear by it! Buy it!!! So worth the money!
Landon Lucas |
Verified Customer
Highly Recommend
I would highly recommend this if you have joint pain. This is a very easy and simple way to help those problems. It does taste good. You open up one of the foil packets every day and you can either squeeze it out into your mouth, or mix it with water, or juice, or yogurt.
John H |
Verified Customer
It Does What It Says It Will Do
I was assigned to take this supplement by my Kinesiologist for better liver function, energy and to clear up my skin and it succeeds on all counts. The taste is good, not terrific, but it doesn't make my face pucker and having taken some supplements that do that, this is a huge improvement.
Katy T |
Verified Customer
It Has a Unique Component
As a former competitive athlete and someone who has been using creatine monohydrate since 1996 (28 years) I can swear that this is the best creatine supplement ever made! It has a unique component. A unique taste. The size is very convenient to use and you can take each individually packed bag to the gym which is very convenient. Mixing is easy!